Tuesday 7 December 2021

start of my Summer and learning journey.

hi bloggers
Today we started our summer learning journey and I did the coloring book nasa edition and here is my one

and the picture of it (the real one) and here is a fact about the real one this picture was taken abou 1000 ks from earth.

Friday 1 October 2021

End of term 3

 Hi bloggers,

Today is the end of term 3. Most things have was good. We we got a new scooter track and they allowed us to use the scooter track every day and I love it that way. Although there is lots of exciting things there was still some hard things like lockdown. And the last thing is all the flight work we did because for almost the whole term we had flight work and it was fun and we got to make parachutes that work it can make a small thing float.

my animation

hi bloggers,

today show you my matariki animation here it is click here.

Thursday 16 September 2021

My lock down 2021

 Hi bloggers,

During Lockdown we did the basic stuff like reading, math, spelling and writing but you could do other things like go for a walk. Here's a list  of some other activities I did.

walk around the block

play with my sister

watching the tablet

so this is the things I did during lock down

by bloggers.

Friday 10 September 2021

My Lockdown Symbols

 Hi bloggers,

Today i'm going to show you my lockdown symbols. These are picture puzzles about my lockdown time. So here it is have a try and guess them and say them (if you want to) in the comments😃.

By bloggers.

Monday 6 September 2021

My comic srip.

 hi bloggers,

Today i'm going to show you my comic strip about comets about blog posts so hear it is.

by bloggers.

Thursday 5 August 2021


Hi bloggers,

Today I will be telling you my Olympics work.

Here's one of my workbooks about Olympics. it not quite finished yet.

i like it because i worked hard on it.
by bloggers.